Date of Purchase: 14Jul07Item: HTC Touch PDA phone
Damage: SGD498 with 2yrs contract with M1
The sudden decision to change my mobile is because my #^%$*%(# DOPOD818PRO went dead all of a sudden on 13 July 07 Fri... .. . Yes, it's Friday the 13th! I tell myself, i had enough of this %^*$&* DOPOD (went servicing too many times) so the following me went down to town with my wife, B.I.L. S.I.L. and Belbel to shop for a phone at M1 Paragon. I was hesitating whether to get a very basic phone (considering Nokia6300) first or to get another PDA phone as I had had lotsa problems with my ^&%*$#(*^&^$# DOPOD... .. . luckily my ex-colleague at M1 advised me that the new HTC Touch is pretty alrite without much complains and issues, so due to nature of work i still take the risk to get another PDA phone. Hope that this time round it'll not be as bad as the &%#&(#**% DOPOD... .. .
To the guys at M1 Paragon: Richard, Agnes, Jeslyn & the HTC Touch promoter... .. . THANKS!!!